Personal Ministries

Personal Ministries (PM)

Leader: Madge Baker

Team: Carlton Fuller, Sophie Graham, Robert Henry, David Souch, Zeres Souch, Mickey Vulkasovic

The Personal Ministries Department endeavours to avail itself in the engagement of in-reach and outreach activities that will nurture, motives and inspire all members and non members to become disciples of Christ - hence responding to the gospel commission ‘
Go ye therefore and teach all nations ……… ‘ (
Matthew 28:19-20)

“And the King shall answer and say unto them, verily I say unto you, inasmuch as you have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, you have done it unto me” (Matt:25:40)

Mission Statement
To provide resources and train Church members to unite their efforts with the ministry and Church officers in the final proclamation of the Gospel of salvation

Our Vision 
 A unified, multi-cultural and spirit-filled Church; each member using their gifts toward edifying the Church

The Personal Ministries team aim to achieve this by 
- Monthly distribution of literature (Sabbath evening) 2nd Sabbath of the month
- Quarterly distribution of literature on Sundays for 2 hours with 
- Quarterly prayer & fasting session straight after Divine Service about 1.5 hours max
- Sharing the weekly 10 mins spot with other department; keeping members involved and focussed after Sab Sch leading up to Divine Service 
- Sabbath lunch in a park with the opportunity to witness where feasible

Regular activities 

Weekly PM Spot - During Sabbath School programme

Street Witnessing - 2nd Sabbath of each month, 4pm, outsideTK Max, Balham High Road

Prayer & Fasting Session - 1st Sabbath of each quarter


Upcoming Dates:

Personal Ministries Emphasis Day - 7th September 2024

Prayer & Fasting session -  Sabbath 5th October 2024

This will take place straight after Divine Service for approximately 1 hour in the Church. This will be followed by light refreshments for those staying behind.

Please feel free to contact us at: