
Pathfinders and Adventurers

Welcome to the Balham Pathfinder and Adventurers Club (BPAC) page. We run our club every 1st and 3rd Saturday 4.30-6pm and every last Sunday 10.30am-12pm at the Balham SDA Community Church.

  • It's like Scouts for boys and girls. 

  • Your child (5-15 years old) will be encouraged to take part in a wide range of activities from community outreach projects, learning how to be good citizens to attending international camps across the world (10-15 year olds).
  • The Club is run by volunteers (all DBS checked) who have a wide range of skills, abilities and interests. Usually, they are former Adventurers/Pathfinders themselves and now dedicated to passing on the skills they have learnt to the next generation of young people.

  • The programme has curriculum levels, which are age-specific and designed to challenge children, including over 300 specialised, skill-development badges, involving household arts, outdoor industries, community work, health, science, arts and crafts, nature, recreation and vocational development and is linked to many school topics that your child can use as evidence for their folder at the Club.
  • At the end of every Club year (December), there is an investiture programme where the children are awared their awards/honours and receive recognition for any outstanding achchievement.  It's a time to celebrate the children, parents/carers and teachers ahard work.
  • If your child/ren are not able to attend the club you are welcome to use the resources below and help your child develop holistically at home.  For guidance/support on how to use these resources or for any other queries please send a message via the main Contact Us Page - by sending a message to the Pastor.


  1. Raise awareness of the Club
  2. Create a greater link with the Community and other clubs.
  3. Develop leadership skills of the children through involvement
  4. Develop various Community projects.


  1. Prayer and fasting sessions for the staff.
  2. Attend SEC Rally day
  3. Drum crop invitations: Community Fair, New Addington Pathfinder’s day.
  4. Outdoor Club activities

Quick Links:
Join the club
Staff/Parent information
Contact us

Join the club

Every year we are required to register all children to the club even if they were registered with the club last year.
In order to join the Balham Pathfinder and Adventurer you should complete the following asap:

  • Balham Pathfinder and Adventurer Club application AND health form APPLICATION AND HEALTH FORM

  • Pay the registration fee of £12 per child per year.  Sibling discount £10 per child per year and children of counsellors £6 per child per year. Curriculum workbooks will be supplied after registration is complete.

  • All children that would like to be associated with the club are required to pay the full registration fee.

  • If your child joins between January and June the full year fee is required. If they join any time from 1st July then the fee required is ½ that of the full year fee and may not be able to complete the full curriculum but will be supported to still achieve awards/honours. 

  •  All fees should be paid directly into the Balham Pathfinder and Adventurer Club bank account using your child/children name/s and word ‘FEE’ as reference - please see the Club Director, finance officers or secretaries for the bank details. 

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Investiture - See links to see how the children work hard and achieve their awards and honours.

7th. -5th December 2020- YouTube Investiture Programme

5th. 13th October 2018 - investiture slides

4th. 15th July 2017 - investiture slides

3rd. 16th July 2016 - investiture slides

2nd. 25th July 2015 - investiture slides

1st. 29th November 2014 - investiture slides

Pathfinders Information

Pathfinders generally cover the ages 10-15 years of age

It is linked with the UK schools years; however the Club Leader at his or her discretion can allow students to progress earlier or start later than the school year that the student is in.

Pathfinder progressive classes

UK School Year


Year 5/6


Year 6/7


Year 7/8


Year 8/9


Year 9/10


Year 10/11

Link for all the Pathfinder classes Handbooks and useful resources for teacher/parents:

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1. Friend (Year 5/6) (curriculum)

Friend Workbook 

2. Companion (Year 6/7) (curriculum)

Companion Workbook PDF

3. Explorer (Year 7/8) (curriculum)

Explorer Workbook PDF

4. Ranger (Year 8/9) (Curriculum)

Ranger Workbook PDF

5. Voyager (Year 9/10) (curriculum)

Voyager Workbook PDF


6. Guide (Year 10/11) (curriculum)

Guide Workbook PDF

Other useful information (links)

  1. Latest Honours Book (2014 pdf)
  2. Searchabe list of honours on GC Youth Ministries website  
  3. Answers to Honours
  4. Other downloads on GC Youth Ministries website
  5. From the 2002 Honour list there are some useful Honour sheets (pdf)

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  1. During club sessions on 1st and 3rd Sabbaths - as it’s on the Sabbath they can wear:

  • Their church clothes but must wear their scarf and woggle. 

  • They can also wear our Balham Pathfinder and Adventurer Club t-shirt or any adventurer/pathfinder event t-shirt or a plain white t-shirt, again they must wear their scarf and woggle; they can wear church clothes (Skirt or trousers) or black or blue jogging bottoms.

    2. On the last Sunday of every month and any field trips they must wear:

  • Our Balham Pathfinder and Adventurer Club t-shirt or any adventurer/pathfinder event t-shirt or a plain white t-shirt, they must wear their scarf and woggle, and black or blue jogging bottoms.

     3. On special occasions your child MUST wear the full uniform detailed and listed below:

For all field, dress uniform, hoodies, flags, ties and SEC-related items and Event bookings please go to:

For all badges, honours, insignias and sash please order directly from:

Club name (personalised for Balham Club)


Please send £4 to the Balham PA Club bank account with reference: your child’s name and class



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We do appreciate it may be quite costly around £60 to get the full uniform, if possible please can you try and have your child in full uniform asap.  In the meantime until they have the official pathfinder uniform they can wear black skirt (girls) or black trousers (boys) and white school shirt.

Please visit this link to read about the guidelines from GC regarding the uniform:

Other Pathfinder costs:

  • Investiture Honours between 55p-85p depending on honour - must be purchased by the club, near investiture you will be advised of exact cost.

  • Pathfinder yearly camporee + travel (optional between £100-200 estimated costs)

  • Balham T-shirt (optional) Child size £10, Adult size £13 - order via Counsellor Natasha

  • Balham sweatshirt/hoodie (optional) Child size £13, Adult size £16 - Order via Counsellor Natasha

    • For the t-shirts and sweatshirts etc. please send money to club bank account with relevant reference e.g. ‘Natasha T-shirt’ and send a message to Counsellor Natasha's mobile number with your required quantity and size/s. Please allow 3-4 weeks for delivery, as they are made to order.

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Adventurers Information

Adventurers generally cover the ages 4-10 years of age

It is linked with the UK schools years; however the Club Leader at his/her discretion can allow students to progress earlier or start later than the school year that the student is in.

Adventurer progressive classes

UK School Year


Little Lambs


Counsellor with Parent/s

Early Birds

Reception/Year 1

Counsellor with Parent/s

Busy Bee

Year 1/Year 2



Year 2/Year 3



Year 3/Year 4


Helping Hand

Year 4/Year 5



There are numerous workbooks for you to choose from to aid your child complete the work in each curriculum.  Feel free to choose the one that suits you and your child needs the best and if possible do encourage your child to complete additional awards at home.

There are three options of the same workbook to choose from:
1. Wire bound
2. Loose leaf (to incorporate into a lever arch folder)
3. Stapled in centre A4 booklet

The Wire Bound and Loose Pages - Both sets come with 'wipeable' covers  and 'matt' internal pages, making it compatible for easy colouring and erasing.

The stapled in centre A4 Booklet is paperback with soft touch lamination.

How To Order the workbook
To order the Wire Bound and Loose Pages please go to this website  and put in the search the name of the workbook you need e.g. helping hand workbook.

To order the stapled in centre A4 Booklet please go to this website  and put in the search the name of the workbook you need e.g. helping hand workbook.


Other useful information (links)

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During club sessions on 1st and 3rd Sabbaths - as it’s on the Sabbath they can wear:

  • Their church clothes but must wear their scarf and woggle. 

  • They can also wear our Balham Pathfinder and Adventurer Club t-shirt or any adventurer/pathfinder event t-shirt or a plain white t-shirt, again they must wear their scarf and woggle; they can wear church clothes (Skirt or trousers) or black or navy blue jogging bottoms. 

2. On the last Sunday of every month and any field trips they must wear:

  • Our Balham Pathfinder and Adventurer Club t-shirt or any adventurer/pathfinder event t-shirt or a plain white t-shirt, they must wear their scarf and woggle, and black or navy blue jogging bottoms.

3. On special occasions your child MUST wear the full uniform detailed and listed below:

For Adventurer sash, scarf, woggle, patches etc please order directly from:

Club name (personalised for Balham Club)


Please send £4 to the Balham PA Club bank account with reference: your child’s name and class



Other Adventurer costs:

  • Investiture Awards between 55p-85p depending on honour - must be purchased by the club, near investiture you will be advised of exact cost.

  • Adventurer yearly camporee + travel (optional between £100-200 estimated costs)

  • Balham T-shirt (optional) Child size £10, Adult size £13 - order via Counsellor Natasha.

  • Balham sweatshirt/hoodie (optional) Child size £13, Adult size £16 - order via Counsellor Natasha.

    • For the t-shirts and sweatshirts etc. please send money to club bank account with relevant reference e.g. ‘Natasha T-shirt’ and send a message to Counsellor Natasha's mobile number with your required quantity and size/s. Please allow 3-4 weeks for delivery, as they are made to order.

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1. Applicaion and Health Form (for staff)

Each year please complete a new application form and new medical form

2. CRB/DBS check (for staff)

CRB/DBS information

The Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) and the Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA) have merged to become the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS). CRB checks are now called DBS checks.

Please complete this DBS form if you have not had a DBS check in the last 3 years or your current DBS is not connected to working with children - and you would like to be a staff member of the Balham Pathfinder and Adventurer Club, you must be over 18 years of age.

How long is a DBS check valid for?

A DBS check has no official expiry date. Any information included will be accurate at the time the check was carried out. It is up to an employer/voluntary organisation to decide if and when a new check is needed.

Applicants and employers can use the DBS update service to keep a certificate up to date or carry out checks on a potential employee’s certificate.

However the South England Conference have advised we check every 3 years.


Checks for eligible volunteers are free of charge. This includes anyone who spends time helping people and is:

  • not being paid (apart from for travel and other approved out of pocket expenses)
  • not looking after a close relative

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 Contact us

For any queries please send a message via the main Contact Us Page - by sending a message to the Pastor

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