Public Affairs & Religious Liberty

Religious Liberty

Objectives for 2020

•    Promote an understanding of Public Affairs and Religious Liberty in both church and local community.
•    Raise awareness of the plight of the religious liberty of Christians worldwide.
•    Develop a prayer programme

Plans of the Department 2020

  • The Public Affairs and Religious Liberty Emphasis Day
  • Prayer Programme (throughout the year) with the Prayer Ministry

Departmental Events

 •Promote public affairs and religious liberty through writing of articles, projection of documentaries, 

 use of notice board, radio, internet and dialogue with Christians and other religious groups.

 Statements from the General Conference

The Seventh-day Adventist Church via its General Conference has issued official statements on
Religious Freedom and Human Rights. The Church has also issued statements on a variety of 
topics that occasionally do have relevance for public policy positions. These statements can be 
found on the General Conference’s website;

Example of statements issues are;

•Religious Freedom

•Religious Minorities and Religious Freedom: A Statement of Commitment and Concern

•A Seventh-day Adventist Call for peace

•A Seventh-day Adventist statement on Religious Liberty, Evangelism and Proselytism

•Human Rights (50th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)

Religious Liberty Team

  (Leader - Dominique Joseph Clem)
(Asst Leader - Enoch Katebe)

Please free to contact us at
