Church Weekly Bulletin |
Tuesday |
Pastor's Surgery |
By appointment - Contact - 020 8673 9724 |
10:45am - 3:00pm |
Autumn Rose Senior Club
For senior citizens who are young at heart! Exercise club, creative fun art - health and well-being talks, lunch, plus more.
Learn about our partnership work with WCCG!

Wednesday |
4:00pm to 6:00pm |
Prayer Clinic |
The Prayer Ministries Department has a burden for souls. The prayer team would like to pray for you and your family and invites you to its 'Prayer Clinic' between 4:00 pm and 6:00 pm every Wednesday. |
Prayer Meeting |
The highlight of mid-week. Music, prayer & Biblical reflection, and the opportunity to share our prayer requests or experiences of how God has led or helped us
Sabbath (Saturday)
Sabbath School
Let's talk - Bible discussions in small groups. |
Family Worship |
Music, singing, children's storytime, prayer, and Biblical preaching |
4-5 pm (Winter) 5-6 pm (Summer) |
General Open study of the Bible |
5-7 pm (Winter) 6-8 pm (Summer)
Adventist Youth Society activities and projects |
Thought-provoking themed projects led by the youth for youth and all those youth at heart: poetry, mime, drama, music, plus more.
5:30pm-7.30pm |
Every 1st & 3rd Saturday |
Similar to scouts' club for both boys and girls aged from 5-16yrs |
and at 10:00am-11.30am Last Sunday of the month
Similar to scouts' club for both boys and girls aged from 5-16yrs |
Things we do:
Senior Choir, Music practice, Drama productions, Women's group, Men's group, Sports, Social Activities, Cookery classes, etc